Summer 2020
Covid-19 and the ensuing isolation has really launched people into different levels of productivity. Bread making, gardening and stay at home hobbies of all kinds have never been so popularly pursued! And this past summer Camp Okema and our dedicated staff, board members and powerhouse volunteers were no exception! While our hearts were heavy with the cancellation of our regular camp season- we made productive use of our time.
There are always ongoing maintenance projects at Camp Okema. Many of those jobs are thankless and laborious which increases our gratitude for the skilled volunteer labour we have. This summer Cook’s Nook was re-shingled, as well as the exterior being painted, and the carpet inside removed. The leader's cabin was painted, and new flooring was installed. Our pink cabin also had the carpet removed. Our nurses cabin has undergone some incredible renovations. It was gutted, given a new floor plan, new wiring and several updates to make our essential cabin more efficient and effective. This renovation is ongoing, and exciting! We would encourage you to check it out on your next visit to camp- no prior injuries required.
Some changes go by easily unnoticed, like the paint job touch-up to the bell. Others like the fresh logs around the sandbox, might only be noticed when you attempt to use them. While others still might seem like an alarming shock, like the swing set that has been taken down. We promise we have plans to replace it, what is camp after all without the joy of an afternoon swing? But safety being our top priority, it was time for an upgrade.
Upon a return to camp, I believe campers and staff will be thrilled to see the interior paint work done in the camper cabins. Some beautiful design and artistry was added to cabins one two and three, again making a special place a little more enjoyable.
Still Here
As we collectively wait, both anxious and weary for a return to so many of the things we love, we wanted our extended Okema family to know that Camp Okema is still here. We are not stagnant, but growing. We are neither gone nor forgotten. In this season of isolation, rest, and distance, we are taking time to show care to our facility. We are tackling projects that are much more manageable in this slow season. We are preparing for a triumphant return. When the sanctions are lifted, and it is safe to do so again, we will be ready to share meals, and music, and fellowship with one another once again.